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Friday, April 17, 2009

European Internet Stats

Stats; it's what's for dinner! We all love statistics. In the WOM realm, these European web usage statistics should help your reports. Quote away. Kudos to 77Lab for the great piece.

Current European growth trends:
* 9 hours per week spent on the web in 2008, up 27% from 2004 - more time than
people spent reading print media, watching movies or playing video games

* North South divide in Europe: Nordic countries have an internet penetration rate of 76% on average, compared to 45% in Southern Europe

* Internet consumption set to overtake traditional TV in June 2010 - 2.5 days per month spent on internet versus 2 days on traditional TV: but does not signify decline in TV- simply a shift in how it is consumed

* Online video established as most popular online audiovisual entertainment application, with more than 1 in 4 (28%) Europeans and over 300 million people worldwide watching short or full-length videos on the internet

* Time spent on the internet using a PC will drop from 95% today to 50% over the next 5 years

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